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Konkurs je istekao.

QA tester

DV Strategic Development



4 izvršioca ugovor puno radno vreme 1. smena Obaveštenje o pregledu prijave

DV Strategic Development, headquartered in Kragujevac, is a company that combines expertise and innovation in the field of software development and Web3 applications. Our mission is to support businesses, individuals and startups in their digital transformation through modern, scalable and efficient solutions. With a team of experienced professionals, we are committed to providing advanced digital solutions that enable adaptation to modern challenges, provide a competitive advantage and enable long-term growth in a dynamic digital environment. Regardless of size or industry, our clients can count on solutions that improve their business success.

We are seeking a skilled and experienced QA Tester to join our team.

Key Responsibilities:

  • manual and automated testing and verifying all software products and tools developed by the company, to ensure their high-quality and secure implementation
  • creating, planning and conducting tests for all software products, including web applications, mobile applications, CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, as well as marketing tools
  • automating tests using modern tools
  • developing test scenarios and test plans based on business requirements
  • collaborating with software development and marketing teams to ensure the highest quality of products
  • reporting on errors and problem areas found in the system.


  • Communication  skills
  • Knowledge of the English language
  • More than three years of relevant work experience
  • Strong focus on details

We offer:

Competitive salary and bonuses
Opportunity for professional and career development
Work in a stimulating environment with the possibility of influencing the growth and success of the company

    Konkurs je istekao.

    DV Strategic Development

    Sa sedištem u Kragujevcu, DV Strategic Development je kompanija koja kombinuje stručnost i inovaciju u oblasti razvoja softvera i Web3 aplikacija. Naša misija je da podržimo preduzeća, pojedince i startape u njihovoj digitalnoj transformaciji kroz moderna, skalabilna i efikasna rešenja. Sa timom iskusnih profesionalaca, posvećeni smo pružanju naprednih digitalnih rešenja koja omogućavaju prilagođavanje savremenim izazovima, obezbeđuju konkurentsku prednost i omogućavaju dugoročni rast u dinamičnom…

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