Emisia Consulting is a leading software development company located in Kragujevac, specialized in translation software applications, with a long tradition of providing quality software solutions.
For more information about company, please visit www.emisia.net
Due to the fact that we consider the prosperity of our company to be the outcome of capabilities and skills of our employees, we pay serious attention to the selection of our staff and their further advancement. Currently, we are looking for a talented, passionate
Java Developer
If you’re looking for a challenging position that exposes your skills, this is the job for you!
What you need for this position:
- Advanced knowledge of object-oriented programming (JAVA)
- Advanced knowledge of English language
- Self-initiative and capability of working in a fast paced environment
It is an advantage if you have:
- Knowledge of Spring, Hibernate, Maven, Junit and Osgi
- Knowledge of Eclipse IDE
- More than 1 year of experience in a software development company
- Understanding of the engineering practices
What you will be doing:
- Using Eclipse IDE and tools used for application building, testing and deploying (Svn, Maven, Junit, Tomcat, Mysql, etc...).
- Learning business domain where your applications will be used
- Independently resolving bugs, creating improvements and small features
- Independently working on application support
- Mentoring junior team members
What's in it for you:
- Pleasant working environment
- Personal and professional growth
- Stable and well organized working conditions
- Traveling opportunities
Working place is in Kragujevac, which would require you to be stationed in Kragujevac as well.
Looking forward to receiving your resume!
Application deadline: 03.04.2015.
Emisia Consulting d.o.o je vodeća kompanija za razvoj softvera u Srbiji sa primarnim ciljem pronalaženja kreativnih softverskih rešenja prevashodno za prevodilačku industriju. Emisia Consulting d.o.o već godinama na tržistu informacionih tehnologija pruža širok spektar proizvoda i usluga kako freelance prevodiocima tako i velikim prevodilačkim korporacijama. Emisia Consulting d.o.o. danas ima preko 200 zaposlenih koji predstavljaju naš najbitniji resurs. Napredak kompanije pripisujemo veštinama…