we do IT together

O kompaniji

We started as a small group of friends gathered around a big idea. An idea that would mean something for the world by making it a fair bit safer and more efficient in maintaining data confidentiality. And while spending unnumbered hours on bringing this idea through, we couldn’t grasp the scope our efforts would reach.

Today we call ourselves Artifactory, and we are made up of more than 70 devoted people to carry out the concept. We join forces in a decisive but highly personable environment to meet our clients’ goals and help them grow.

We are proud of our beginnings and boldly optimistic about the future.

We were bound, from the outset, to learn the importance of tight cooperation and a healthy working atmosphere. For however strong the idea, it is the people working closely together that bring it to life. And this is what we need to maintain. Artifactory proudly embraces people from different backgrounds who coact not only for the benefit of the company but also for the improvement of each colleague.



Kosovskih božura 24, Beograd, Srbija

Matični broj




Broj zaposlenih

51 - 100