Engineer for Power engineering - Inženjer za elektroenergetske instalacije
Chemgineering International d.o.o.
Beograd, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10L
Chemgineering je internacionalna kompanija koja se bavi pružanjem inženjerskih usluga i usluga konsaltinga u Švajcarskoj, Nemačkoj, Austriji, Španiji, Poljskoj, Meksiku i Srbiji. Specijalizovani smo za kreiranje efikasnih rešenja i realizaciju projekata visoke tehnologije iz različitih oblasti industrije, kao što su farmacija, biotehnologija, fine hemikalije, medicinski uređaji, hrana i briga o potrošačima i kozmetika, kao i brzorazvijajućih projekata koristeći čiste i suve sobe.
Za našu kancelariju u Beogradu, Srbija, Chemgineering International d.o.o. koja je zadužena za projekte Dizajna i konstrukcije širom sveta, tražimo visoko motivisanog i iskusnog:
Inženjer (m/f/d) za Elektroenergetske instalacije - International
Lokacija: Beograd, Srbija
- Projektovanje sistema elektroenergetskih instalacija: transformatori, srednjenaponska i niskonaponska postrojenja, dizel agregati, elektromotorni pogoni, osvetljenje, distribucija / razvod električne energije, zaštita od atmosferskog pražnjenja, izjednačenje potencijala.
- Razrada projektne dokumentacije od Idejnog rešenja do Projekta za Izvođenje, kao i praćenja izvođenja radova elektro instalacija.
- Podrška Klijentu u smislu razrade optimalnih rešenja i izrade tehno-ekonomskih analiza i studija.
- Koordinacija sa ostalim strukama sa ciljem razmene podataka, kao i učestvovanje u izradi sinhron plana kompletnih instalacija.
- Komunikacija sa isporučiocima elektro opreme i kontrola kvaliteta i usaglašenosti opreme sa projektovanim rešenjima u sklopu podrške Klijentu u delu nabavke iste.
- Projektantski nadzor i podrška Klijentu na gradilištu prilikom montaže i puštanja u rad sistema elektro instalacija.
- Konstantno praćenje promena u regulativi i standardima.
- Konstantno praćenje razvoja elektro opreme i rešenja.
- Visoka stručna sprema – Elektrotehnički fakultet.
- Poželjno je posedovanje neke od Licenci Inženjerske komore Srbije 350, 352, 450.
- Iskustvo projektovanja industrijskih objekata sa posebnim naglaskom na Pharma-/Biotech tj. G(x)P okruženje je poželjno.
- Minimalno 3-5 godine radnog iskustva.
- Poznavanje lokalne regulative, ali i internacionalnih elektro standarda (IEC, EN)
- Obavezno napredno poznavanje rada na softverskim paketima: AutoCAD, MS Office
- Poželjno poznavanje rada na softverskim paketima: DIALux, Eplan, Navisworks, Revit.
- Poznavanje opreme i softverskih paketa renomiranih proizvođača elektro opreme kao što su Schneider, Siemens, ABB, itd.
- Mogućnost putovanja – lokalno i van zemlje
- Obavezno znanje: Engleski
- Poželjno znanje: Nemački, Ruski, ostali
- Mogućnost da postaneš deo stabilne međunarodne kompanije.
- Uključenost u naše programe tehničkih i jezičkih obuka.
- Rad sa najnovijim tehnologijama, odlične mogućnosti za profesionalni razvoj.
- Rad na projektima širom sveta, upoznavanje različitih kultura, rad u različitim okruženjima, mogućnosti za lični razvoj.
- Službeni laptop i mobilni telefon.
- 23 dana godišnjeg odmora.
- Odlična radna atmosfera u dinamičnom timu.
Radimo kul projekte sa strašću i zabavljamo se u uspešnoj kompaniji. Danas projekat u Srbiji, sutra dočekujemo klijenta sa „Добрый день“, a u petak se opraštamo u Grčkoj sa “Αντίο”. Radimo u raznim zemljama, uživamo u kontaktu sa različitim kulturama i širimo svoje horizonte tako što stupamo u kontakt sa ljudima. Planiramo vašu međunarodnu karijeru i promovišemo vase prednosti.
Interesuje te? Prepoznaješ sebe i želiš da postaneš deo visoko motivisanog tima? Pošalji prijavu sada!
Pošalji nam svoju detaljnu prijavu, navedi svoja finansijska očekivanja i najraniji datum početka rada, elektronski.
Chemgineering is an international Consulting and Engineering service provider located in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland, Mexico and Serbia. We are specialized to create efficient workflows and realizing high tech projects for the various areas of the life science industries like Pharma, Biotech, Fine Chemicals, Medical Devices, Food and Consumer Care and Cosmetics, as well as fast-developing projects using clean and dry rooms.
For our Branch Office in Belgrade, Serbia, Chemgineering International d.o.o. which takes care for worldwide Design and Construction projects, we are seeking for a highly motivated and experienced
Engineer (m/f/d) for Power Engineering - International
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
- Design of electric power installation systems: transformers, medium-voltage and low-voltage switchgears, emergency power systems, electric motor drives, lighting, distribution of electric energy, protection against atmospheric discharge, equipotential bonding.
- Design documentation development from Concept design to Detail design, as well as the of monitoring the execution of electrical installation works.
- Support to the Client in terms of developing optimal solutions and making techno-economic analysis and studies.
- Coordination with other trades for the purpose of data exchange, as well as participation- in development of a synchronized plan of complete installations.
- Communication with suppliers of electrical equipment, control of quality and compliance of the equipment with the designed solutions as part of the support to the Client in the procurement.
- Project supervision and support to the Client on the construction site during the installation and commissioning of the electrical system.
- Constant monitoring of changes in regulations and standards.
- Constant monitoring of the development of electrical equipment and solutions.
- Higher professional education – Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Possession of one of the Licenses of the Chamber of engineers 350, 352, 450 is desirable.
- Experience in designing industrial facilities with special emphasis on Pharma-/Biotech i.e. G(x)P environment is preferred.
- Minimum 3-5 years of work experience
- Knowledge of local regulations and international electrical standards (IEC, EN)
- Mandatory advanced knowledge of software packages: AutoCAD, MS Office
- Desirable working knowledge of software packages: DIALux, Eplan, Navisworks, Revit
- Knowledge of equipment and software packages of renowned manufacturers of electrical equipment such as Schneider, Siemens, ABB, etc.
- Willingness to travel locally and abroad
- Mandatory: English
- Desirable: German, Russian, other.
- Being part of an international company with a secure and stable background.
- Involvement in our technical and language training program.
- Working with latest technologies, great possibilities for professional development
- Worldwide allocation of our projects, meeting various cultures, working in different environments, possibilities for personal upgrade.
- Company laptop and mobile phone.
- 23 days of vacation.
- Great working atmosphere in a dynamic team.
We are doing cool projects with passion and having fun within a successful company. Today a project in Serbia, tomorrow we welcome a client with „Добрый день“ and on Friday we say goodbye in Greece with “Αντίο”. We are working in various countries, enjoying the contact with different cultures and expending our horizons by getting in touch with people. We are planning your international career and promoting your strengths.
Interested? You recognize yourself in the profile and want to become part of a highly motivated team? Apply for the job just now!
Send us your detailed application, stating your salary expectations and your earliest possible starting date, electronically.
Chemgineering International d.o.o.
Chemgineering is an international Consulting and Engineering service provider located in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland, Mexico and Serbia. We are specialized in creating efficient workflows and realizing high-tech projects for the various areas of life science industries like Pharma, Biotech, Fine Chemicals, Medical Devices, Food and Consumer Care and Cosmetics, as well as fast-developing projects using clean and dry rooms. For our Branch Office in Belgrade, Serbia, Chemgineering…