We are seeking an Expert Associate in Production. As an Expert Associate, you will play a key role in solving technological challenges in the manufacturing process, contributing to production improvements, and ensuring compliance with quality standards. This position offers the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies in the pharmaceutical industry.
Expert Associate in Production
Place of work: Šabac
Key responsibilities:
- Participate in the professional resolution of technological issues in production.
- Contribute to the development and improvement of production processes, enhancing both quality and quantity while increasing productivity.
- Stay updated on global trends in pharmaceutical manufacturing and propose the application of new technological procedures, equipment, and work organization.
- Organize and conduct validation processes and participate in the transfer of new products, collaborating with relevant departments.
- Develop operational procedures and work instructions, ensuring compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
- Implement safety, health, and environmental protection measures, fire protection, and anti-explosive measures.
- Provide training to department employees on current operational procedures and ensure their adherence.
- Propose measures to overcome situations related to non-conforming product batches.
- Bachelor's degree in technological or pharmaceutical studies.
- English proficiency.
- Attention to safety, health, and environmental regulations.
- Effective communication and organizational skills.
- Ability to work in a team and contribute to the achievement of production goals.
If you are passionate about pharmaceutical production and are eager to contribute to the growth and success of our organization, we invite you to apply for this exciting opportunity. Join us in ensuring the highest quality standards and continuous improvement in our dynamic production environment!
For more info please visit us at hemofarm.com also
Hemofarm AD
Već više od 60 godina želimo vam - svako dobro - jer znamo da je dobro zdravlje naše najveće bogatstvo. Naša istorija počinje davne 1960. u severnoistočnom delu Srbije. Šest decenija bilo je dovoljno da se od malog vršačkog pogona razvijemo do kompanije koja posluje na tri kontinenta. Danas smo deo globalne STADA porodice kojoj smo se priključili 2006. godine. Zajedno sa matičnom kućom, celokupan pristup poslovanju kao i svoj korporativni identitet gradimo na četiri ključne vrednosti: Agility, Entrepreneurship,…
Iskustva zaposlenih
"Putovanje kroz Hemofarm započela sam pre pet godina. Nova znanja, ideje i energija su ono u čemu uživam. Volim HR, iz razloga što smo mi tu da budemo podrška zaposlenima i da kreiramo najbolje moguće ... " Pročitajte celo iskustvo