Head of License and IT Infrastructure Asset Management
Cetin d.o.o.
Adrese mesta rada
- Beograd, Omladinskih brigada 90

Head of License and
IT Infrastructure Asset Management
As one of the region’s largest telecommunications infrastructure services provider, CETIN Group drives digital transformation by providing cutting edge telecommunications infrastructure solutions.
The CETIN Group means four infrastructure operators – CETIN Bulgaria, CETIN Hungary, CETIN Serbia and CETIN in the Czech Republic with approximately 3000 employees. With the organization constantly working on improving and managing technology demand, its focus is to deploy the best in class telco infrastructure and meet challenging market demands.
CETIN Serbia is a provider of fixed and mobile infrastructure services to telco operators, internet service providers and other companies in the Serbian and regional market and was founded in 2020 as a spin off from Telenor Serbia and subsequently acquired assets, employees and contract portfolio of Telenor Common Operation branch office in Serbia.
We work with highly skilled, highly motivated, world class experts.
Join CETIN and be part of this team!
Main requirements:
- BSc/MSc degree preferable from Telecommunication / IT area
- Excellent knowledge about IT and mobile technology systems
- Excellent knowledge of data center infrastructure
- Minimum 7 years of experience within IT and /or Telecommunication area
- Minimum 3 years of managerial experience
- Project management experience is an advantage
- Fluent in English (both written and verbal)
Role overview:
- Responsible for strategic management of software assets within organization
- Organize planning, monitoring, and controlling of software licenses to ensure compliance with vendor contracts and alignment with real needs
- Ensure optimal model and usage of IT licences
- Develop regional governance for SAM. Design, align and implement new SAM process framework
- Regular and strategic budgeting and forecasting
- Contribute to procurement strategies to optimize technology spend by identifying savings opportunities
- Participate and support local and global sourcing processes
- Vendor, supplier and partner management
- Build team with regional roles and responsibilities, establish cross-border way of work.
- Coach and build competence with employees of License and IT Infrastructure Asset Management team
What we offer:
- Opportunity to develop tech ideas and solutions
- Open working space and flexible working hours
- Training and development programs
- 25 days paid holiday leave per annum
- Laptop, mobile phone and tariff package in line with company policy
- Private health insurance
- Recreation or health program
- Participation in annual bonus system
- Competitive terms and conditions
Please send your CV and motivation letter in English.
CETIN International čini četiri infrastrukturna operatora – CETIN Bugarska, CETIN Mađarska, CETIN Srbija i CETIN Slovačka. Kao organizacija koja konstantno radi na unapređenju, fokusirani smo da implementiramo infrastrukturu svetske klase i odgovorimo na izazovne zahteve tržišta. Verujemo da predvodimo digitalnu transformaciju kroz usluge koje pružamo. CETIN je osnovan u Srbiji jula 2020. godine, izdvajanjem od matične kompanije Telenor Srbija kao pružalac fiksnih i mobilnih infrastrukturnih usluga…
Iskustva zaposlenih
"U firmu sam došao 2016. godine i započeo karijeru u sektoru operacija kao deo RAN Operations tima stekavši najpre iskustva u radu sa GSM/UMTS/LTE mobilnim komunikacionim tehnologijama. Vremenom se ukazala ... " Pročitajte celo iskustvo
- Timska druženja
- Hrana i piće
- Obezbeđena oprema za rad
- Porodica i roditeljstvo
- Fleksibilno radno vreme
- Dodatni slobodni dani
- Dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje
- Sport i rekreacija
- Wellness
- Edukacija, profesionalni razvoj
- Nagrade, bonusi, pokloni
- Kompanijski popusti