Intern - Software Developer
Your responsibilities:
- Development of functionalities according to User stories' Acceptance criteria
- Maintenance and continuous improvement of existing systems
- Test and maintain software products to ensure strong functionality and optimization
- Recommend improvements to existing IT systems as necessary
- Collaborate closely with other team members and departments
- Apply quality engineering principals throughout the Agile product lifecycle
- Provide support and documentation
- Research of new testing technologies; knowledge and experience sharing with other team member
For the good start you will need:
- University degree from Electrical Engineering Faculty, Mathematics Faculty, Faculty of Organizational Science – IT Program or related
- Fluent in English
- Will be a plus: experience with relational databases, SQL (MySQL and Oracle dialects), Java, JEE, Web Services, HTML, JavaScript, Internet applications/services, APIs and different mobile eco-systems, Jira, Confluence
Personal traits:
- Team player
- Excellent communication skills
- Good time-management skills
- Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously
- Ability to work in a fast paced environment with minimal supervision
You will enjoy:
- Paid internship & career development opportunities
- Opportunity to participate in shaping the future Telenor, in an industry undergoing massive change
- Working in a dynamic environment which allows you to freely express opinions, ideas and inspire new ways of doing things
Please Apply by: 15.07.2019.
Yettel je novi tehnološki i telekomunikacioni brend PPF Telekom Grupe, predstavljen 2022. godine u Bugarskoj, Mađarskoj i Srbiji. Pružamo digitalne usluge i povezanost, sa fokusom na korisnike i jednostavnom misijom: pomoći im da pronađu svoj balans. Imamo skoro tri miliona korisnika u Srbiji i do marta 2022. godine poslovali smo pod imenom Telenor Srbija. Prisutni smo na tržištu od 2006. godine i trenutno zapošljavamo više od 1800 ljudi. Za one koji tek započinju svoju karijeru, tokom cele godine…
Iskustva zaposlenih
"Odabrao sam Yettel kako bih se upoznao sa radom korporacije. Zanimalo me je kako funkcioniše komunikacija i rad u tako velikom sistemu. Najviše me je iznenadila posvećenost ljudi u timu da mi na najbolji ... " Pročitajte celo iskustvo
- Edukacija, profesionalni razvoj
- Zabavni sadržaj
- Wellness
- Sport i rekreacija
- Dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje
- Dodatni slobodni dani
- Fleksibilno radno vreme
- Nagrade, bonusi, pokloni
- Obezbeđena oprema za rad
- Porodica i roditeljstvo
- Obuke, konferencije
- Hrana i piće
- Otkup opreme
- Rad od kuće
- Društvena odgovornost