INOKOR is consulting and software-development company which provides optimal solutions to the prominent customers in financial sector worldwide. We believe that only through teamwork with our colleagues, partners and customers, we can achieve amazing progress and success.
Company INOKOR together with long-term most-competent partner IKOR from Germany advertises the following position:
Junior Java Developer
Job description
- Design, development, customizing and integration of software components
- Workshops with customers, requirement analysis, specification, user stories, documentation
- Conducting multi-level testing and system maintenance
Must have skills
- At least 2 years of experience in a similar position
- Profound Java knowledge and experience
- Preferable frameworks, languages and tools: JEE, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, GWT, GXT, JSF, HTML, XML, JavaScript, jQuery, ET JS, Jboss, SOAP, REST, JSON, Ant, Jenkins, MYSQL, JDBC, SSL, Gosu, Angular, React, Node.js, JIRA
- Ready to travel
- Fluent in English language
- Good in German language
Highly recommended skills
- Experience with SAP and/or Guidewire
- Experience with financial sector especially insurance
- Relevant university diploma
- Good written and spoken communication skills
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- International team player, but also able to perform tasks independently
We offer
- Friendly environment and competitive salary
- Prominent clients and interesting projects
- Great opportunity for professional development
- Chance to travel
Deadline for applications: 05.04.2018.
INOKOR je kompanija koja se bavi razvojem softverskih rešenja baziranih na Java tehnologiji i pružanjem konsultantskih usluga u poslovnim sistemima zasnovanim na SAP-u. Naš fokus je (ne isključivo) na finansijskom sektoru, pre svega osiguravajućim društvima. Upravo u tom tradicionalnom bogatom sektoru vidimo da inovacije i nove tehnologije dovode do uzbudljivih izazova, prilika i rezultata u procesu digitalne transformacije. Izuzetnu kompententnost na tom polju nam pruža najuža saradnja sa dugoročnim…