SEPEN – Association for Packaging and Environmental Protection (
Secretary General
Duty Station: Belgrade, Serbia
Contract: Full time, initial duration one year (subject to successful performance)
Core competencies
- Visionary: Shall have attributes to build vision for the institution and the private sector.
- Inspirational: Shall have qualities to take on board and inspire the staff of the organization, thus excelling in service delivery to its members and other stakeholders.
- Strategic: Shall be strategic in capitalizing the strength and opportunities for the organization and tackling weaknesses and threats professionally. S/He shall also be strategic in optimal utilization of the organization’s resources and forging sustainable relationship with the stakeholders for fulfilling the private sector development goals.
- Tactical: Shall be tactical in dealing situations and demonstrating expected results.
- Focused: Shall be focused on the vision and mission statements to take the organization to greater heights.
- Persuasive: Shall have persuasive qualities to motivate and convince stakeholders.
- Decisive: Shall be capable of making quick and right decisions which are in the interest of the organization and its members. S/He shall also be capable of standing by her/his decisions.
- Open to feedback: Shall be open to feedback from stakeholders and act cautiously on the feedback which would bring positive impact for the organization and its stakeholders.
- Interpersonal skills: Shall have prerequisite interpersonal skills that would strengthen teamwork and team spirit in the organization.
- Conflict management: Shall have abilities and wisdom to resolve issues and conflicts.
- Decision making: One of the core competencies for the SG is the ability to make good decisions or lead a good decision-making process.
- Flexibility: S/He must be rationally flexible in his decision-making process based on the circumstances of the organization.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Provide leadership on issues related to packaging, packaging waste management and environmental protection in the organization and beyond.
- S/He shall be the overall in-charge of the organization responsible for originating all strategies, policies, plans and programs and then make onward submission to the Managing Board.
- Report to the Managing Board.
- Execute the plans, programs, policies and directives issued by the Managing Board and the Assembly.
- Provide a well-rounded leadership to clients, organization and stakeholders at all times.
- Foster a strong, dynamic and stable leadership to lead the organization for achievement of annual targets.
- Direct, lead, manage and take the organization in the most desired directions.
- Build a strong team spirit and ensure the collective ownership of decisions in the organization.
- Avoid wasteful expenditures.
- Ensure equity, justice and fairness within the organization.
Organizational Development
- Initiate periodic review of the organizational development and introduce appropriate measures from time to time through deliberations of the Managing Board.
- Implement the organizational decisions and directives to align the organization with its vision and mission statements.
Management and Administration
- Oversee management and administration of staff and resources of the organization.
- Seek prior views from the Managing Board before issues are being escalated.
- Keep the record of the minutes of meetings reflecting the decisions of the Managing Board, Supervisory Board and Assembly meetings.
Finance and Accounts
- Maintain credible internal control systems relating to finance and accounts to prevent risks pose by the internal and external risk factors.
- Ensure timely disbursement of expenditures.
- Prepare and submit the annual budget, financial statements and reports.
- Ensure maintenance of proper books of accounts and financial reports for each financial year.
- Plan and coordinate timely collection of fees from member companies.
- Carry out effective fund-raising plans and programs from time to time.
Introduction of Subject Matter-related Measures
- Carry out periodic diagnostic studies concerning environmental protection and packaging waste management in Serbia.
- Provide recommendations to improve the functioning of the environmental sector in Serbia.
- Avail consultancy services from time to time to bring in new and innovative ideas when there is no in-house capacity to carry out such assignment.
- Introduce the right corporate culture as feasible and applicable.
- Provide right information to clients and stakeholders, where required.
- Act as an interface between the organization and clients and stakeholders at regular intervals.
- Act as the media spokesperson for the organization.
Client and Stakeholder Centric Service
- Provide prompt and timely services to member companies at all times.
- Develop innovative and robust strategies to fulfill the aspirations of member companies and and stakeholders.
Risk Management
- Ensure proper management and control of risks associated with finances and resources of the organization.
- Create awareness of exposure to risks and to take suitable actions to identify and monitor them.
- Resolve any risks and issues on time upon detection.
- Additional Duties and Responsibilities
- Maintain strict confidentiality regarding the organization’s affairs. S/He shall not divulge any information to anyone of confidential nature directly or indirectly, unless S/He is required to do so by law or is directed to do so by a superior.
- Ensure the highest standard of integrity, honesty, fortitude, selflessness, loyalty and patriotism and endeavour to maintain professional excellence.
- Ensure transparency, efficiency and accountability in the service of the organization.
- Avoid all forms of discrimination and never unfairly dispense any special favor or privilege to anyone.
- Not accept any favor or benefits, gifts or donations, which may be construed as adversely affecting the performance of his duties.
- Maintain apolitical and non-partisan status in the interest of the organization.
- Not indulge in any activity that adversely affects the organization.
- Not or attempt to coerce, order or advise an individual to pay, lend or contribute anything of value to a party, committee, agency or person whose activities are prejudicial to the organization.
- Not engage in any activity that will cause conflict of interest with his official duties and responsibilities.
- Not misuse official position and authority for taking undue personal advantage of any form.
Minimum Requirements
- Minimum academic qualification of Bachelor’s Degree/Master’s Degree preferably in the environmental or similar field;
- Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in civil service/corporate sector/CSO;
- Fluency in Serbian and English languages;
- Three references.
Deadline for applications: 25.04.2019.
SEPEN - Udruženje za ambalažu i zaštitu životne sredine
- Kneza Mihajla 30, Beograd, Srbija
- PIB: 109584113
- Matični broj: 28205805