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Konkurs je istekao.

TikTok/YouTube Shorts Video Editor & Marketer

I Am Corporation

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Do you love making cool videos like TikToks, YouTube Shorts, or super funny memes?

Are you always on top of the latest trends and know just what it takes to make a video everyone will talk about?

If that sounds like you, then listen up because we’ve got the perfect job for you!

Join our amazing team at I Am Corporation, created by the legendary affiliate marketer iAmAttila in 2008.

Guess what? We’ve spent a mind-blowing $100,000,000 on all sorts of ads like Google, Facebook, and TikTok in just the last decade!

Here’s the best part: Our top creative stars can earn up to $10,000 a month! How? You start with a good base salary, and we offer a progressive profit share which is based on your performance. The more awesome ads you create and launch that make money, the more we will pay you.

If you’re super talented at making eye-catching ads and you’re ready to work hard, this is your chance to really show what you can do and earn what you deserve. It’s time to shine and show everyone that you’re a true creative rockstar!

Work from Anywhere! Yes, you read that right! This job is totally remote, which means you can work from wherever you want. We’ve been all about the “home office” life from the very beginning, so no need for fancy office buildings here. We keep things simple but get great results!

By joining us, you’ll get to learn from one of the biggest names in digital marketing. iAmAttila is a superstar known all over the world, and working with him means getting opportunities that most people can only dream of. Look for his book on Amazon "from Zero to Super Affiliate".

Are you ready to take on a fun and creative challenge? Here's what your day-to-day will look like:

Get Creative with Winning Campaigns: We’ll hand you some of our best-performing campaigns, and your task will be to give them a fresh twist. How? By creating and editing short videos that tap into the latest TikTok and YouTube trends. Think cool editing styles, trendy templates, and the hottest memes!

Launch Your Masterpieces: Once you’ve put your unique spin on these campaigns, you’ll get to launch them as ads on TikTok and Facebook. Watch your creativity come to life across social platforms!

Scale Up the Winners: Noticed that one of your ads is doing really well? Awesome! Now you’ll expand on that success by making even more engaging ads based on that winning idea.

No experience with Facebook or TikTok ads? No problem! We provide one-on-one training with one of the coolest instructors around. They’ll help you get up to speed in no time.

Creativity Is Key: If you love making TikToks or YouTube shorts just for fun, and you think you could spend all day editing videos because you enjoy it so much, then this job is going to be a blast for you. Your creativity is what will drive your success here, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Skills Needed:

  • Creativity & Lots of Ideas: Bring your imaginative spark and a head full of fresh concepts!
  • Daily Viewer of TikTok and YouTube Shorts: You should love keeping up with the latest trends and videos on these platforms.
  • Experience with Video Editing Software: Familiarity with Capcut or similar video editing tools is essential.
  • Graphic Design Skills: Proficiency in Canva, Photoshop, or similar graphic design software.

So, what are you waiting for?

Apply by sending us a letter telling us why You would be THE BEST PICK for this job.

Let’s create magic together! Don't forget to attach your CV (possibly with a picture)!

Know someone who you think would be AMAZING at this job?  Send them this job post! 

    Konkurs je istekao.

    I am corporation, kft

    • Petofi Sandor utca 48, Mađarska

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