WiDS- Women in Data Science conference


In March it was held Women in Data Science (WiDS) Belgrade conference at ICT Hub and it was organized and hosted by one of our employees who is also WiDS2022 ambassador- Isidora Gatarić.

The purpose of the event was to highlight the importance of all roles in data-driven companies and institutes, across four panels: Business Development & Data Science; HR/Employment & Data Science; Education & Data Science; Analytics/Engineering & Data Science. One of the speakers at panel discussion HR/Employment & Data Science was our colleague from HR department- Vanja Vlaski and she spoke about Data Science department in our company, the formation of this department as well as its composition and development. Beside her, another colleague of ours also participated in this conference- Ana Dukic. As an experienced data analyst with a strong analytical background, she spoke at the Analytics, Engineering & Data Science panel.

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