Serengeti d.o.o. Kragujevac

Serengeti d.o.o. Kragujevac

O kompaniji

Serengeti is an award-winning software development consulting company. It took us years to gain the experience and the knowledge we show off with today. Many attributes did not come over night as we have been writing this story together since 2007. With 300 projects behind us, we can proudly say that we have a stockpile of knowledge, know-how and, most importantly, a big load of passion for what we do and an experience that grants impeccable management of the whole development cycle.

Teamwork is one of our core capabilities both between Serengeti engineers and between Serengeti and our client. We select, develop and empower individuals with strong talent, great attitude, energy, and ensure that they will always work well within a team.  We enable seamless team extension by mirroring the processes and development environments of our demanding clients. 

Our global team of over 150 engineers are adept in all major technology platforms and possess unique development skills, domain knowledge and real-world experience.  

Today, our business continues to expand rapidly. We maintain 100% reference ability by meeting and often exceeding our clients' high level of expectations.  

We are proud to work with companies that are among leading global companies in their industries. We help them innovate through software and achieve often very ambitious growth targets.


Društvene mreže

Zadarska 80, Zagreb, Srbija

Matični broj




Broj zaposlenih

101 - 250