Embedded C/C++ Technical Lead
RT-RK d.o.o.
Adrese mesta rada
- Novi Sad, Narodnog fronta 23a

Embedded C/C++ Technical Lead
- Cooperation with leading provider of smart-alarm systems in Europe and Latin America
- Firmware development for embedded alarm system devices (doorlock, keyfob, Siren-Voice-Keypad, smoke detector, cameras, …)
- Low-level programming involving direct interaction with HW
- Leading a small team of developers
- Working with the most popular wireless communication protocols (Wi-Fi, Radio, BT)
- Innovations utilizing new technologies (Ultra-Wide-Band, Wi-Fi Sensing, Voice over Wi-Fi, ML for audio classification, …)
- Academic education in computer technology (BSc or MSc degree)
- Senior experience with microcontrollers and embedded C programming (C++ will be considered a plus)
- Good knowledge of low level HW/FW interfaces and optimization techniques
- Previous leadership experience will be considered a plus
- Experience with Git and Scrum methodology
- Debugging with GDB through JTAG/SWD interface
- Familiarity with wireless protocols (radio, Wi-Fi)
- Basic electronics and HW schematics knowledge
- Good knowledge of written and spoken English

- Expect an email confirming we got your application
HR interview via MS teams - usually lasts up to 30 minutes
Technical interview with Lead Programmers - make sure to leave your calendar free for 40-50 minutes
Meeting with our VP – You are almost there! We just want to make sure you meet key team members you will be closely collaborating with
Upoznaj kompaniju RT-RK Mi smo RT-RK i proizvodimo embedded softver. Započeli smo ovu granu industrije pre 30 godina. Embedded je softver putem kog tvoj ekran u kolima komunicira sa motorom ili čipovi u zvučniku sa ostatkom sistema pametne kuće. RT-RK radi najkompleksnije projekte u toj oblasti na svetu, ali više o tome kasnije. Ponosimo se time da smo obrazovali preko 1000 inženjera u ovoj oblasti, od kojih velik deo još uvek radi kod nas. Sarađujemo s fakultetima u istraživačkom radu. Imamo…
Iskustva zaposlenih
"U RT-RK dolazim da radim magistarski rad kao student elektronike. Dobio sam priliku da uradim magistarski rad iz IoT-a. Sećam se da sam bio toliko počastvovan što sam u tom trenutku mogao da radim sa ... " Pročitajte celo iskustvo
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