React Native Developer
RT-RK d.o.o.
Adrese mesta rada
- Beograd, Dunavska 2v
- Novi Sad, Narodnog fronta 23a

React Native Developer
- Software development for Tizen/WebOS based TV devices through iWedia’s projects with TV operators worldwide
- Web streaming applications design and development including defining of RESTful TV backend APIs for new UI applications
- Designing sessions and code reviews
- Prioritizing quality and seeking out improvements in all aspects of the software projects
- Working as a member of agile development team composed of application designers, Web developers and DTV middleware developers
- Maintaining keen awareness of competitor products and development direction to help direct designs to surpass the competition
- May supervise and manage the activities of others
- University degree in computer technology or computer science
- 3+ years of work experience in React Native, ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Redux, React Hooks, RESTful APIs
- Knowledge of OOP and design patterns
- Understanding and usage of tools and methods for Linux console
- Orientation towards team work
- Initiative in solving daily tasks
- A desire to solve complex technical problems and to see your work appreciated by users around the world
- Good knowledge of English language
- Ability to cooperate with stakeholders, both internal and external
- Extensive knowledge and experience in Web application development
- Knowledge of working with version control system: Git and Gerrit
- Experience with web application performance optimization techniques
- Experience with Agile software development practices (preferably Scrum)

- Expect an email confirming we got your application
- HR interview via MS teams - usually lasts up to 40 minutes
- Technical interview with Lead Programmers - make sure to leave your calendar free for 40-50 minutes
Upoznaj kompaniju RT-RK Mi smo RT-RK i proizvodimo embedded softver. Započeli smo ovu granu industrije pre 30 godina. Embedded je softver putem kog tvoj ekran u kolima komunicira sa motorom ili čipovi u zvučniku sa ostatkom sistema pametne kuće. RT-RK radi najkompleksnije projekte u toj oblasti na svetu, ali više o tome kasnije. Ponosimo se time da smo obrazovali preko 1000 inženjera u ovoj oblasti, od kojih velik deo još uvek radi kod nas. Sarađujemo s fakultetima u istraživačkom radu. Imamo…
Iskustva zaposlenih
"U RT-RK dolazim da radim magistarski rad kao student elektronike. Dobio sam priliku da uradim magistarski rad iz IoT-a. Sećam se da sam bio toliko počastvovan što sam u tom trenutku mogao da radim sa ... " Pročitajte celo iskustvo
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