Marko Pavlović

Quality supervisor
Marko Pavlović

Tell us more about yourself:

My name is Marko Pavlovic, I joined Minth group in April 2021 as a quality inspector on Renault project. Due to my knowledge in technical aspect of the work I was asked to start and lead the Quality team on new project that was planned for VW. From here my career started progressing, first as Team Leader and now as of December 2022, I am officially Quality supervisor for B5 plant, which includes projects for VW (EU), VW (USA), Renault and Volvo (in future).

Describe your team and department:

My team currently counts 33 inspectors and 3 shift leaders, our department is based on customer requirements, we are here to ensure that all the demands are being fulfilled as well as all the details regarding the Control Plan. Our job is crucial in Quality Assurance of the products.

Tell us about your contribution to the company:

In the recent months I was one of the leaders on Anger project, which included setting up the process from ground zero to final acceptance with quality rate reaching over 95%

Also improved the GP-12 efficiency by 40% and made worthwhile stocks of products to ensure deliveries to customer.

 What do you like about working for our company and what makes you proud to work here?

I like the challenge, I was made to believe that toughest times give strongest warriors.

Minth is like a playground, you have all the toys(tools) to build something, only thing you have to provide is strong will and innovative thinking.

How do you support and motivate your team?

As my mentors have tought me, now I am passing that knowledge onto my team, always giving them goals to reach, rewarding them appropriately and working together with them on their weaknesses. I always strive to build strongest team, sometimes I might be too demanding, but I strongly believe that makes best of them, I have seen it before.

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