Rada Maletić

Translator and HRBP
Rada Maletić

1. Tell us more about yourself:

My name is Rada Maletić, I am currently working as a translator and HRBP for one of our company's plants, which currently has around 300 employees. Two and a half years ago, I started working at Minth as a Chinese and English translator for the quality department. I recently got the opportunity to work as HRBP in the HR sector and to see that side of work as well.

2. Describe your team and department:

I work in a team that currently has 5 members, 4 HRBPs and 1 HR manager. These five people are responsible for one part of the HR work, which is related to 1500 employees. I can describe the colleagues from my team as people who have extremely good communication skills, high social intelligence, professionalism, excellent performance and a very good knowledge of foreign languages.

3. Tell us about your contribution to the company:

My work of the HR Business Partner for a plant consists of performing HR tasks on a daily and monthly level. I am also responsible for the cultural projects of the entire MAE company. I have been in this position for about 2 months, and the project that I can single out is a workshop with the children of our employees. The children of our employees decorated the Christmas tree with jewelry they made themselves. A unique opportunity in which our employees had the chance to enjoy the company of their children for the first time while at work. Also, our youngest had the opportunity to try some of the Chinese dishes, the experience of using Chinese chopsticks and learning something more about Chinese cuisine.

4. What do you like about working for our company and what makes you proud to work here?

It is a true joy working at Minth, because there are many opportunities for advancement, training and professional development. What makes me proud is the fact that the Minth Group entered the first 100 suppliers at the global level, which serve the world's most famous brands of the automotive industry.

5. Tell us some tips you can give to new employees:

The strong will to work and the desire for knowledge are the key to success.

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