Tamara Djokic

Underwriting Assistant Specialist
Tamara Djokic

My journey at OIP Insurtech started in 2020 when I officially applied for an Insurance Administrative Assistant job position. During a challenging and uncertain time for the whole world, the prize in the form of training started after their thorough selection process came mid-December when I was officially enrolled in the first stage of the training process.

Starting the AIA without any knowledge about the insurance world was at moments scary and very demanding but also as rewarding after completing it. Coming out of my comfort zone made me realize how worthy it is to challenge yourself and strive towards making better opportunities for your career. AIA was one of the most memorable times as I got to meet and learn from a lot of eloquent and devoted trainers and leaders whom I get to work with daily. The learning process within AIA was done at an enviable level, with a lot of care and patience given to each candidate and their learning process, optimized to transfer the required knowledge and skills.

After I became an OIP Insurtech employee and member of the biggest team in March 2021, I realized that the people relations, dedication, and overall importance of improvement were taken to an even higher level. Each day I got to learn something new and perfect my skills even more. Togetherness and unselfishness of my team are what make us achieve great results and have outstanding work ethics. Being recognized as a trustworthy and responsible teammate, I was assigned additional work and responsibilities which was a true prize for me and testimony that everything you do at OIP ends up well recognized and rewarded.

Six months later, I find myself even more motivated than I was at the beginning because now I can first-hand see how much hard work and dedication really pays off and get recognized by those who lead by their own example. I would always encourage everyone to apply and explore this new organization led by a unique group of people. It is great to know that an outstanding quality of work, knowledge and astonishing job opportunity is waiting just around the corner.

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