Nikola Stevanovic

Treasury Operations Associate
Nikola Stevanovic

It all started on March 26, 2018, at 10:00 AM—my very first academy class. I walked into the room with ten other people, all of us eager to learn but looking around with the same mix of curiosity and confusion. "Where are we? Why is the teacher speaking English all the time? Is he American? He seems American. Wow, three monitors!"

Two weeks later, our questions changed. "Can I really do this? How am I supposed to learn all these tasks and manage them on my own?" But then I remembered—take it easy. There are trainers here, and a whole team behind me, ready to support me in reaching my goals. And then… Tadaaaa! An email arrived. It was from my trainer, letting my team know that I had successfully completed my first task.

Before all this, I was a travel agent. So, what’s changed since then? A lot—and also not much. I’m still working with a team, just on a bigger scale. I’m still in front of a computer, but now I’m collaborating with underwriters instead of travel agents. And, of course, I’m part of a much larger company. In my team, I work alongside people from all sorts of backgrounds—English teachers, biologists, economists—and we all have one thing in common now: insurance. We each bring something unique to the table, and we’re all learning from each other’s experiences.

As for my role today? I’m a Treasury Operations Associate, and I’m also part of the HR Recruitment group.

So, when your phone rings and behind the line you hear my voice,  you will know my story and I will ask you for yours.

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