Zadovoljstvo nam je da objavimo da je treća generacija mladih talenata uspešno završila proces stručne prakse u kompaniji IMI preko programa Moja prva plata. Tokom devet meseci trajanja programa četvoro mladih imalo je priliku da nadogradi znanje sa fakulteta i stekne svoje prvo radno iskustvo u oblastima za koje su se školovali. Istakli su se svojim zalaganjem, motivacijom, željom za učenje kao i timskim radom.
Ponosni smo što su naši praktikanti uspešno završili program stručne prakse i postali deo IMI tima.
We are pleased to announce that the third generation of young talents has successfully completed the internship process at IMI through the My First Salary program. During the nine months of the program, four young people had the opportunity to upgrade their knowledge from the university and gain their first work experience. They stood out for their dedication, motivation, desire to learn and teamwork.
We are proud that our interns have interns successfully completed the professional practice program and became part of the IMI team.