Kompanija IMI je i ove godine organizovala proslavu Nove godine, a ujedno i obeležila 5 godina uspešnog poslovanja u Srbiji. Tim povodom uručene su i nagrade našim zaposlenima koji su od početka sa nama. Specijalni gosti – Lafayette kabare su upotpunili atmosferu svojim kreativnim izvedbama.
Nastavljamo kao tim i u narednoj godini i unapred se radujemo budućim dostignućima i uspesima.
The IMI company organized a New Year's celebration this year as well as before, and at the same time marked 5 years of successful business in Serbia. On this occasion, awards were presented to our employees who have been with us since the beginning. Our special guests – Lafayette Cabaret completed the atmosphere with their creative performances.
We continue as a team in the coming year and look forward to future achievements and successes.