Mi u IMI-u prihvatamo kulturu učenja i razvoja, drago nam je što smo imali priliku da organizujemo i upravljamo programom stručne prakse za pet mladih talenata, koji je počeo u decembru 2020. godine, a završio se u septembru 2021. godine. Devet meseci, njih petoro su učili i razvijali se zajedno sa svojim mentorima i kolegama u timu procesa, kvaliteta i lanca snabdevanja, i vrlo uspešno su završili program stručne prakse. Drago nam je što možemo reći da su naši praktikanti postali deo tima IMI Srbija i buduće naše kolege. Poželimo dobrodošlicu našim entuzijastičnim praktikantima i budućim kolegama IMI Srbija!
We at IMI embrace culture of learning and development, so we are glad that we had a chance at IMI Serbia to organize and menage an Internship program for five of young talents, that started in December, 2020 and was completed in September, 2021. For nine months, five of them were learning and growing with their mentors and teams from Engineering and Supply Chain Department, and they completed internship program very successfully. We are happy to say that our Interns will become a part of IMI Serbia team and our colleagues. Let us welcome our enthusiastic interns and future employees of IMI Serbia!