5. Juna 2021. IMI Srbija potpisao je višegodišnji ugovor o sponzorstvu sa košarkaškim klubom Konstantin iz Niša, u prisustvu Eric De Candido, operativnog direktora (COO) IMI Global, Radoslava Georgieva, generalnog direktora (GM) IMI Srbija i Zvonka Miloševića, predsednika OKK Konstantin.
Ovom prilikom, Eric De Candido (COO), izjavio je da je IMI, kao društveno odgovorna kompanija, odlučila da ulaže u sport, koji uvek ima perspektivu na Balkanu, jer to deca vide kao važnu stvar, a ovaj klub je prepoznat, kao košarkaški tim iz Niša, sa velikim potencijalom jer je jedini sa 9 ekipa na državnom juniorskom takmičenju u košarci. Radoslav Georgiev (GM), rekao je da IMI nije u Srbiji samo zbog pokretanja poslovanja, već i zbog ulaganja u zajednicu. IMI Srbija izabrao je mlad tim jer su oni budućnost, a ovo je samo prvi korak u njihovoj podršci.
Jedna od važnih vrednosti IMI-a je briga za druge, i brinući se ne samo o našim zaposlenima već i o zajednici i zemlji u kojoj se nalazimo, nastavljamo da je održavamo. Prema rečima Radoslava Georgieva (GM): „IMI je spreman za budućnost i verujem da će naša podrška biti od velike vrednosti za budućnost tima OKK Konstantin“.
On the 5th of June 2021, IMI Serbia signed a multi-year sponsorship agreement with the Basketball club Konstantin from Nis, where the company is located, in the presence of Eric De Candido, Chief Operating Officer of IMI Global (COO), Radoslav Georgiev, General Manager of IMI Serbia (GM) and Zvonko Milosevic, President of Basketball club Konstantin.
On this occasion, Eric De Candido, the COO, declared that IMI, as a socially responsible company, decided to invest in sport, which always has perspective in Balkan because that’s what children see as an important thing, and this club is recognized as basketball’s team from Nis with great potential because it’s the only one with 9 teams in the national junior basketball competition.
Radoslav Georgiev, the GM, said that IMI is not in Serbia only to start a business, but also to invest in the community. IMI Serbia chose a young team because they are the future, and this is just one step of investing and support them.
One of the important IMI values is a concern for others, and by caring for not only our employees but also the community and country we’re in, we continue to cherish it. As Radoslav Georgiev, the GM, said : „IMI is future-ready and I believe that our support will be of great value for the future of basketball team OKK Konstantin“.